Supported Living
Our supported living services enable people with a range of needs to live happy and fulfilling lives, independently and safely in their local communities. Whether one is finding it hard to cope alone at home, or if they plan to move away from a family home, we provide single-person or group-supported living options where they receive support and care which can range from a few hours a week to one-to-one support, 24 hours a day.
About Our Supported Living Services
Golden Living Care is a registered provider of Supported Living Services. We provide Supported Living Services that are customised to the unique needs of a particular Service User. Our Supported Living services are designed based on a comprehensive needs assessment, where we ensure that your needs or the needs of your loved one are well understood and taken proper care of. All our Supported Living Carers are fully vetted and trained to provide the best quality care possible. We understand and appreciate that feeling comfortable, happy and safe is key to the well-being of our Service Users so we work hard to source appropriate accommodation and create amazing living environments. We work closely with property developers and partner with a number of housing associations to find suitable and affordable places for people to live, and we’re on hand to help sort out tenancy agreements where needed, providing individuals with the security of their own homes. Where our Service Users need assistive technologies, we ensure that we source homes that are fitted with the relevant assistive technologies.